This is the best and convenient cm to inches converter. If you want to convert cm to inches, you can learn from this page. This is a successful page for you to calculate cm to inches.

In addition to convert centimeters to inches, you’ll find it can also help you in other situations. Learn the cm to inches formula to make your transition easy. And you will understand the whole detailed explanation so that you will not find it difficult. So keep on reading and learn more!

How to Convert CM to Inches?

To convert cm to inches, you should know the conversion factor of cm to inches.

1 cm = 0.3937007874 inches

So how do you convert cm to inches? You just need to multiple the centimeters by 0.3937007874.

For example:

Converting 20 cm to inches

20 cm to inches = 20 cm × 0.3937007874 = 7.874015748 inches

Did you know how to calculate cm to inches? Let’s practice with a few more examples.

Converting 18 cm to inches

18 cm to inches = 18 cm × 0.3937007874 = 7.0866141732 inches

Converting 25 cm to inches

25 cm to inches = 25 cm × 0.3937007874 = 9.842519685 inches

convert cm to inches

Inch definition

Anglo-American units of length are in inches. 12 inches equals 1 foot, while 36 inches equals 1 yard. Modern standards say that one inch equals 2.54 centimeters.

In the liquid crystal display, the specifications are generally 17 inches, 19 inches, 23 inches, 27 inches and so on. In mobile phones, the screen sizes are generally 4.0 inches, 4.2 inches, 4.5 inches, 4.7 inches, 4.8 inches, 5.0 inches, 5.2 inches, 5.5 inches, 5.7 inches, 6.44 inches and so on. In tablet computers, the screen sizes are generally 7.9 inches, 9.7 inches, and 12.9 inches. The size of the display is measured in terms of the length of the diagonal, in “inches”.

centimeter definition

Centimeters is the International Standard Unit of Length. It’s equal to one hundredth a meter.It is roughly equivalent to 39.37 inches. A centimeter also equals 10 millimeters.

The unit of length refers to the basic unit for measuring spatial distance. It is the basic unit developed by humans to regulate length. Its international unit is “meter” (symbol “m”), commonly used units are millimeter (mm), centimeter (cm), decimeter (dm), kilometer (km), meter (m), micrometer (μm), nanometer (nm) and so on. Units of length play an important role in various fields.


cminchesconverter is designed to provide visitors with the easiest length conversion tool. We have been focusing on providing computer services for more than ten years, hoping to help every visitor who enters our website.

3 reasons to choose cminchesconverter:

  • Save Time.

When you enter the web page, you will see an electronic calculator, which can save you the time of manual calculation.

  • The Data is Precise.

Converting between some units is really troublesome. We round the value to the most precise digit to ensure your value is the most accurate.

  • The Most Complete Unit.

Not only between centimeters and inches, cminchesconverter also converts between other units.

Common cm to inches conversion